From the bridge of the Peekskill GOP's republican death star

From the bridge of the Peekskill GOP's republican death star
Recently a undercover staffer was able to clandestinely photograph an editorial meeting at our rival blog, "Peekskill Guardian"

Friday, September 28, 2007


On the Peekskill First website they identify themselves as libertarians. On his web blog, Bill Schmidt identifies himself as a libertarian. So we at the Peekskill Guardian decided to look into what Libertarians believe. On drugs, Libertarians believe, "We have addicts today despite drug criminalization. We also have the violence that is caused by drugs being illegal. Let's decriminalize drugs. " On prostitution Libertarians believe, " Criminal penalties do not stop prostitution. They just create real problems. One study showed it costs taxpayers two thousand dollars every time a prostitute is arrested. Let's respect people's right to control their own bodies."
This was not a casual choice made by the Schmidt Team. It can not be down played as an attempt to appear on as many lines as possible in the voting booth. The Schmidt Team had to carry petitions and gather signatures. According to a source at the board of elections in White Plains this is the first time in recorded history anyone has run for a Mayorship in Westchester County on the libertarian line. To see the other cast of clowns running on the LIbertarian Platform in New York State, you can go to their website. The Schmidt Team must not be allow to make excuses. A Political Parties Platform is not a chinese menu, you can not pick one issue from column A and one from Column B. This was a conscious decision based on strongly held beliefs. If it wasn't, then maybe Bill Schmidt is the one who will say anything to be elected.

We at the Peekskill Guardian will defend an individuals right to habor whatever beliefs they choose to hold. However, we have to draw the line somewhere. That line appears for this author when Bill Schmidt campaigns on make drugs and prostitution more available to my children. We know that if elected Mr. Schmidt can not legalize prostitution and drugs in Peekskill, but a Mayor Schmidt with a libertarian minded majority can cutoff enforcement funding to the Police Department. There are some parts of the Schmidt Teams agenda we would be willing to consider. We feel his plan to extend benefits to same sex partners of city employees has merit, but this could be done without embracing the Libertarian Platform. With that said, we at The Peekskill Guardian must stand up and with one voice loudly declare, Bill Schmidt and Peekskill First are wrong for our city.